Dňa 5.5.2024 sa v našej chovateľskej stanici Esmondra Bellerea narodili nádherné šteniatka ruského chrta – barzoja. Sme hrdí na našu Abbu, ktorá zvládla náročný, takmer 24 hod. pôrod. Máme 4 psíkov a 2 sučky. Veľmi sa tešíme z tohto nášho prvèho krásneho vrhu A – Arrosa litter ( Baskicky – vrh Ruža)
On May 5, 2024, beautiful puppies of the Russian hound – Borzoi were born in our breeding station Esmondra Bellerea. We are proud of our Abba, who managed to pull through a demanding, nearly 24-hour labor. We have 4 males and 2 females. We are thrilled about our first beautiful litter, the A – Arrosa litter (Basque – litter Rose).